Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is cremation?

Cremation is the process by which, through intense heat, a deceased person is reduced to its calcified materials, commonly reffered to as ashes.

2. How much does cremation cost?

The price of a cremation starts at $1,725. The price can go up based on additional items a family may request, such as delivery of ashes or additional Proof of Death Certificates.

3. What do I do with ashes after cremation?

-Place the ashes in an urn to keep (See our products pages).

-Bury or place them in a niche at a cemetery.

-Scatter them in a designated place.

4. Where can I scatter ashes?

- Scattering gardens at cemeteries.
- Unoccupied Crown land and Crown land covered by water.
- Private property with the consent of the owner.

5. How do I arrange a cremation?

Arranging with CremationCare can be done:

- Online.
- Over the phone.
- In Person.

6. Do I have to come to The CremationCare Centre to make arrangements?

You are welcome to come to our location. If it is more convenient for us to come to you, or to arrange via phone and email, we can do that too.

7. Who is in charge after someone dies?

The person in charge after someone dies follows this list:

1. Executor named in a will

2. Spouse or common-law partner

3. Children

4. Parents of the deceased

5. Other legal next of kin

8. Can I arrange cremation services in advance?

Yes. Pre planning a cremation is very common; arranging ahead of time removes the stress of planning from family members. Furthermore, by pre-planning you make sure that your family knows exactly what your wishes are.

9. Do I have to pay in advance if I pre plan a cremation?

No. You can pre-plan what you would like to have happen, but you are not required to pay. The benefit of paying in advance is that you and your family are protected from inflation and never have to pay more for the services you pre-pay.

10. Do you cremate pets?

No. Please consult your family veterinarian for guidance on how to cremate a pet.

11. Why do I need The CremationCare Centre to coordinate the cremation services?

There is more than just the cremation that needs to take place. The CremationCare Centre does the following on your behalf:

- Coordinate with the hospital to take your family member into our care.
- Register the death with the city.
- Obtain permission from the coroner for the cremation.
- Arrange the Cremation.
- Provide you with Proof of Death Certificates to manage the estate.

12. Can I see my loved one before the cremation?

Yes. We offer a private farewell if any family member wishes to see their loved one prior to the cremation.

13. Can I attend the cremation?

Yes. You can attend the cremation. This is referred to as witnessing. Typical witnessing involves entering the room where the cremation takes place, seeing the casket placed in the crematory, and seeing the cremation process start.

14. Can I travel with ashes?

Yes. The regulations for traveling with ashes vary from country to country. Consult the consulate of that country for the specific requirements. 

15. Can two sets of ashes be in the same urn?

Yes. If the urn is large enough, two sets of ashes can be placed inside. This is call co-mingling. There are urns designed specifically for co-mingling.

16. Can I bring my own urn?

Yes. You can use your own urn. It is important to note that The CremationCare Centre cannot guarantee the quality of third-party urns.

17. Will The CremationCare Centre fill the urn for me?

Yes. We will fill any urn purchased through CremationCare free of charge. If we are provided with a third-party urn, we require a family member be present during the filling as we cannot guarantee the quality of third-party urns.

18. How much do the ashes weigh?

Ashes typically weigh between 5lbs to 10lbs.