63 Mimico Avenue | Toronto, Ontario | M8V 1R2 | Phone: (416)-255-0035 | Email: CREMATIONCARECENTRE@GMAIL.COM

Tribute Wall
In Memory of
Bradley Earl William Prosser
1980 - 2022
Julie simpson posted a condolence
Monday, July 11, 2022
Bradley prosser. I have known you since I was 12 years old, you were my pain in my ass. Lol
You knew how to have fun and showed me that.. If you knew Brad there is no need to explain what kind of person he was. I will sure miss the late phone calls asking how I was, didn't matter what time it was he would keep calling till I answer. (Then say it was a pocket dial) If Brad wanted to know Brad was going to know. My condolences to your family You will be missed and I will see you soon!!! Till then have a good review! The fight is over now buddy! You can finally RIP
Linda posted a condolence
Thursday, July 7, 2022
There was a time where we were joined at the hip. I look at your face in these photos and can’t help but reflect on how much of an impact you had in my life, though the ups, downs and many life lessons. So much love for Carol, Tom, Nowell, Tom and Angie and the kids. RIP Bradley
Tamara posted a condolence
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Brad, so many of my teenage memories include you. You always seemed so scary, extremely freakishly strong and very openly "opinionated" ;). However, when you moved back home to Botany Hill all of my perceptions changed. You became someone I looked up too like a big brother and I enjoyed all the loud conversations and crazy antics. All the memories of the drives to the cottage, the pool, the bbq's, the basement where me and Nowell had to have your permission to go down too and hang will stay with me. Biggest Hugs to Tom, Carol and Nowell. Rest Peacefully, Brad.
Nowell prosser posted a condolence
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Brother I'm going to miss you for the rest of my life but our last day together has brought me peace,gratitude and faith that I will see you again for I know God brought us together a week before your passing. I see God's hand on both our shoulders and he just grabbed your hand first but have no doubt eventually he will take mine and then as in this life we will shake each other's and then bring it in for the hug. Then we will both walk with God.
Nowell prosser uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 7, 2022




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Kevin uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Sending sincer condolences to family and friends of our brother Bradley Prosser. Love you brother and will never forget all the memories we made. Until we meet again you will be in my heart.
Sharon lit a candle
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Nowell prosser uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 6, 2022




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Nowell prosser posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
A mention to all the good friends that Brad has left behind that were loved and loved Brad as a brother.
For those that were with him through thick and thin his family thanks you, a special mention to
Kevin (kJ) for being there when my brother needed it most and it will never be forgotten what he did for Brad in the past year or two.
The family of Bradley Earl William Prosser uploaded a photo
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

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A Division of G.H. Hogle Funeral Home Ltd
Transfer Service Operator Class 1 Ontario Licence #753
63 Mimico Avenue | Toronto, Ontario | M8V 1R2 | Phone: (416)-255-0035 | Email: cremationcarecentre@gmail.com